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Ramona Sukhraj

Ramona Sukhraj

As Associate Director of Content, Ramona approaches marketing not only as a profession, but as a creative outlet. She has a passion for all things artistic and strives to create content that is educational, yet quirky and entertaining as well. With a B. S. Read More

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Ramona Sukhraj

As Associate Director of Content, Ramona approaches marketing not only as a profession, but as a creative outlet. She has a passion for all things artistic and strives to create content that is educational, yet quirky and entertaining as well. With a B.S. in Marketing from the UCONN School of Business, Ramona is a frequent contributor to the HubSpot blog and a nonprofit consultant. Outside of IMPACT, she is a design, movie, and pop culture buff, and a fierce advocate of free hugs.

More from Ramona Sukhraj

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9 Best Customer Feedback Tools for Businesses of Every Size

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5 Ways to Get Your Sales Team Excited About Creating Content

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What Happens When You Don't Have Buy-in for Your Inbound Strategy?

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5 Smart Ways to Combat Common Buyer Questions With Content

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How To Skillfully Write About Competitors On Your Blog

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4 Ways Marketing Can Help Buyers 'Sell' Themselves

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How to Fire Your Marketing Agency (And Not Skip a Beat)

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