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How to maximize lead generation via Facebook posts and ads
Jan 18, 2021

Facebook for Business recently shared tips on how to improve Facebook post and ad performance to generate more leads.
These lead generation tips cover four different areas to focus on optimizing to get better results which are lead capture, lead magnets, landing page and lead scoring. Not only are these areas within your Facebook efforts that you should be optimizing, but areas in your overall marketing to always keep an eye on.
At the end, I’ll also share what our in house Facebook expert, Ali Parmelee has to say about all of this.
Let’s dive in.
How to increase lead capture on Facebook
Always provide clarity in your ad around what happens when someone shares their information and signs up for something. One of the things that quickly crosses people’s minds before they share personal information is wondering if they are going to be harassed by a salesperson, or if their inbox is going to be flooded with unwanted emails.
I’m sure you’ve been there before and know the hesitation. You should also be communicating what value someone will be getting in return. If you don’t have value, it’s likely the cause of you not getting many conversions. You need to be providing something in return of someone sharing their personal information.
For example, do you have a guide that would be help your buyer through a challenge they are facing? Let them know what it is, the value they’ll get from it and what they can expect to learn.
People don’t just give their information away nowadays, especially when most companies are providing something in return.
How to leverage lead magnets on Facebook
Speaking of value, this is what is going to be your lead magnet. Think about what you can be providing that will encourage someone to convert. What “one-sheeter, eBook, discount code, free trial, newsletter or webinar” do you have that you can use?
You also need to think through, out of those recommendations, what is it that your audience would be most likely to consume or be interested in.
It’s important that you share information in your copy about what your offer is, and why it’s valuable to your audience. This will help you create trust and a stronger relationship with your audience.
Your landing pages need to be strong
One of the worst things you can do is link to a landing page that doesn’t have a clear message match to your ad. Don’t just be linking up the same landing page or your general website to all of your ads. Your landing page needs to match exactly what you discussed in your ad. Is it an offer that you are providing? Make sure that the landing page matches the messaging and information related to your specific offer.
Is there personal information that you say you’re going to ask for in the ad copy? Make sure that your landing page doesn’t ask for more information than originally stated.
You should also constantly be testing. Consider trying out different landing pages and copy to see where you have the highest conversion rates.
We also recommend adding video to your landing pages, which we’ve seen help increase conversion rates. Check out some of the best landing page videos we’ve seen.
Facebook also recommends setting up a custom audience to retarget your audience members who have clicked, but have not converted.
Get lead scoring right with Facebook
Facebook also shares that companies should be creating a lead scoring matrix to more effectively create outreach efforts and prioritize leads.
This will quantify interactions that your audience members are having with your different types of content. For example if someone downloads one of your content offers that is more bottom of the funnel they should have a higher score, vs. someone who is engaging on a more top of the funnel offer. This will help you target contacts who are further along the journey and more likely to convert first.
Facebook also shared what an ideal lead generation ad looks like:
As well as what successful ad copy should looks like:
We tapped into our in-house Facebook expert Ali to see what she recommends when it comes to lead generation on Facebook:
“LeadGen is a go to strategy for all of our clients on Facebook, regardless of whether they are Ecommerce, B2C or B2B. The most important aspect though, is how good is your hook? If you are Ecommerce, are you willing to offer an incentive like subscribing for a percent off your first order? If you are a B2C or B2B, are you sharing sought after information like comprehensive guides, price comparisons, or early access? The better the hook, the better your results.
With that said, there are a few other critical components that you must have in place for your lead generation campaigns:
- Always make sure your landing page has a pixel event on it—at base level ViewContent, and consider if this is high value enough for your tracking and optimization to make it a custom conversion that is one of your 8 pixel events allowed once iOS14 rolls out.
- Always make sure your form submission redirects to a Thank You page with the Complete Registration event (or again a custom conversion if needed). NEVER use an in-line thank you.
- While Facebook has their ad formula, always test a variety of copy tactics head-to-head. One of the easiest ways to do this is to try the dynamic creative format. This allows you to test up to 10 images and/or videos, five body copy, five headlines, five descriptions and three calls to action.
- Test longer format vs short format vs bulleted lists vs testimonials.
- Test emojis in the copy vs no emojis in the body copy and the headline.
- Remember to test some images with copy and some without—the more it looks like an ad, the more people may skip right over it.
Also keep in mind that Facebook has their actual LeadGen format you can test too. This lets you do lead capture directly in Facebook and then syncs back to your CRM. HubSpot and Klaviyo both have very easy integrations so you can start segmenting, scoring and nurturing your leads quickly.”
These tips from Facebook should help your company optimize your current ads based, as well as have a great foundation for setting up any future ads.
Just small changes to each of these four areas can drive more leads via your posts and ads.
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