IMPACT Inbound Marketing Agency]

They Ask, You Answer Mastery

A coaching & training program that drives unmatched sales & marketing results.


Sales Performance Mastery

Improve the competencies and close rates of your sales organization.

Web design

Website Mastery

Web design, development & training for your team.


HubSpot Mastery

Everything you need to get the most from HubSpot.

AI Mastery

AI Enablement Mastery

Unlock the power of AI in all aspects of your revenue operations.

Discover how IMPACT’s services can help take your business to the next level. Book a free 30-minute coaching session Book a free 30-minute coaching session
Learning Center
Learning Center

Learning Center

Free resources to help you improve the way you market, sell and grow your business.

[NEW] The Endless Customers Podcast is now available everywhere. Learn how to earn trust & win more customers in the age of AI. Listen Now Listen Now

Free Guide

Getting Started with Inbound Sales
In this free guide, you'll learn exactly how to sell over platforms like Zoom, empower your team to close more deals, and set your organization up for long-term success.
Getting started with sales technology

Free Guide

Getting Started with Inbound Sales
In this free guide, you'll learn exactly how to sell over platforms like Zoom, empower your team to close more deals, and set your organization up for long-term success.
Featured Content
Featured Content
Inbound Sales vs. Outbound Sales: What Is The Difference?
April 4, 2022 • 8 min read
Building an Inbound Sales Program: 6 Critical Elements of Inbound Sales Strategies
May 5, 2022 • 8 min read
What is the Inbound Marketing Funnel? (+ Examples)
July 27, 2023 • 6 min read
Your Buyers Want to Control the Sales Process; Here’s How to Let Them
July 12, 2023 • 6 min read
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Inbound Sales vs. Outbound Sales: What Is The Difference?

Building an Inbound Sales Program: 6 Critical Elements of Inbound Sales Strategies

What is the Inbound Marketing Funnel? (+ Examples)

Your Buyers Want to Control the Sales Process; Here’s How to Let Them

Getting Started
Getting Started
The Best Sales Enablement Tools for Your Team in 2024
November 16, 2023 • 7 min read
Assignment Selling: Content Is Your Greatest Sales Tool
43 min course
Why Should An Inbound Marketing Agency Work With Your Sales Team?
August 21, 2020 • 8 min read
Inbound Sales
What is Inbound Sales?
17 min read
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The Best Sales Enablement Tools for Your Team in 2024

Assignment Selling: Content Is Your Greatest Sales Tool

Does your sales team not see the value in content? Do they think you’re wasting time? Are your sales not improving even though you’re publishing article after article, video after video? Assignment Selling might be the missing piece of your inbound marketing puzzle. 

When implemented, Assignment Selling, one of the fundamental pieces of They Ask, You Answer, puts the content you create into the hands of your sales team to help them address prospect questions, objections, and concerns head-on and close deals faster. 

We have helped hundreds of businesses across multiple industries improve their sales processes using Assignment Selling, and in this course, Marcus Sheridan teaches you everything you need to know to make it a success at your organization. 

In this course, you will learn:

  • The importance of leveraging content in the sales process
  • How to spend less time educating in sales meetings and ensuring you’re always working with qualified prospects
  • How Assignment Selling works
  • When you should be using Assignment Selling
  • What great Assignment Selling looks like
  • How to get started

This course is a great fit for sales reps, sales leaders, marketers, and leadership, as it talks about the fastest way to see ROI in your digital sales and marketing!

Why Should An Inbound Marketing Agency Work With Your Sales Team?

What is Inbound Sales?

Recent Articles
Recent Articles
How to Get Your Sales Reps to Use the HubSpot CRM
June 19, 2024 • 4 min read
How to Do HubSpot Lead Scoring the Right Way
June 13, 2024 • 6 min read
Sales and Marketing Alignment: How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle
June 6, 2024 • 5 min read

Need Help?

Schedule a call with an IMPACT advisor to see how we can help you bring They Ask, You Answer to life in your business.

How to Know When You’ve Outgrown HubSpot Sales Hub Starter
May 16, 2024 • 5 min read
Sales and Marketing Friction is Hurting Your Bottom Line – Here’s What to Do About It
May 2, 2024 • 6 min read
Build a Winning Sales Culture: 6 Steps for Sales Managers and Reps
March 7, 2024 • 7 min read
4 Smart Ways to Fix Your Sales Presentations
January 25, 2024 • 4 min read
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How to Get Your Sales Reps to Use the HubSpot CRM

How to Do HubSpot Lead Scoring the Right Way

Sales and Marketing Alignment: How to Shorten Your Sales Cycle

How to Know When You’ve Outgrown HubSpot Sales Hub Starter

Sales and Marketing Friction is Hurting Your Bottom Line – Here’s What to Do About It

Build a Winning Sales Culture: 6 Steps for Sales Managers and Reps

4 Smart Ways to Fix Your Sales Presentations