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Alex Winter

By Alex Winter

Jun 24, 2024


Video Marketing Artificial Intelligence Endless Customers Podcast
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Video Marketing  |   Artificial Intelligence  |   Endless Customers Podcast

AI Video Tools: Video Experts Share Their Honest Opinions [Endless Customers Podcast S.1. Ep. 43]

Alex Winter

By Alex Winter

Jun 24, 2024

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Alex Winter
So I've been working in video around 10 years now and what's been really frustrating kind of in this surge of AI for me as a videographer is Seeing some of these tools and the creators of these tools market them as You just click a button and everything is easy peasy. There you go finished product. Oof. It's magic exactly Yeah, and while these tools are really useful and you can use them in amazing ways, which we'll get into

Alex Winter
They're not always what they seem at first.

Alex Winter
Let's talk about it.

Alex Winter
Welcome back to Endless Customers. My name is Alex Winter and today we are joined by Austin Mock, who is a video producer and content creator here at Impact. Hey, good to be here. Good to be on this side of the camera too. Yeah, usually you're producing and doing a million things for the show.

Alex Winter
You do so, like this show would not be the show it is without your help. So first off, thank you.

Austin Mock
Thanks, man.

Alex Winter
But it's a team effort for sure. But it's a fun one to work on. Yeah, but this is also your first time on the show.

Austin Mock

Alex Winter
Yeah, definitely not your last time. First with Benny.

Austin Mock
We'll see.

Austin Mock
We'll see how this goes.

Alex Winter

Alex Winter
All right, we'll figure it out. So this is a really cool topic for us today. We've been hearing from a lot of our colleagues and from a lot of video professionals and from clients a ton of questions around AI and how AI specifically can help videographers and editors and people in the video game. So we're gonna get really granular about all things video and AI

Alex Winter
tools. And I think a good place to start is a conversation we've been having a lot here in studio and a lot when we're editing. It feels like a lot of these AI tools Look great. You know like you showed me you showed me one the other day. It was something about Opus clip or something but they try to make it seem like this magical thing like you upload your video you push a button and abracadabra your works done and it takes a quarter of the time and like it's this magical wonderful thing and it does do those things but it's not as easy as a click of a button and

Austin Mock
We've been feeling a little bit like we've been lied to or like it's false advertising. Is that fair to say? Yeah, I think so and especially as like videographers we're kind of on the end where you know we're hearing about all this AI stuff so we're part of the group that's worried about our jobs. A lot of business leaders are seeing these tools and seeing the amazing things that the companies are doing in their presentations to show look how easy this is,

Alex Winter
just the click of a button. But when you actually dive into it, it can be a little bit more complex than it looks on those announcement videos or even on, you know, like their website, their product videos and that kind of thing.

Alex Winter
And so I think that's been something that has been a little bit tough as a videographer to see, not that they haven't been transparent or they haven't lied, but yeah, maybe they haven't been fully transparent about some of these tools and how simple they are to use.

Alex Winter
One that comes to mind right now is AutoPod, which we actually use to edit this show. And it is a super great tool, and it's been super useful,

Austin Mock
and we use it to edit this show.

Alex Winter
Right, and we're not sponsored by AutoPod, so they're not paying us to say this. This is just actually a tool that we use because it helps us do our job faster and better. Yeah, exactly. And so what it does is, for those who don't know, you can put in a podcast into Premiere Pro

Alex Winter
in editing software and once you get it ready to go, you just click a button and you watch it on the timeline. Just chop it up and it does it in seconds. I remember the first time I tried it, I was like, wow, this is awesome to just watch it go immediately. It's a great plugin.

Austin Mock
It really is. Yeah. But at the same time, in that first time I tried it, I was also really frustrated because you can't just put the clips into Premiere and hit the button like it shows on their demo. There's actually a lot of back work that goes into it where you have to line everything up properly.

Alex Winter
You can only have a certain amount of audio tracks and you can only have a certain amount of video tracks. And then if one of the audio tracks has more than one person speaking, it can get confused. And the audio tracks have to line up with the right video tracks because they use, I think it's using the audio as a way to cut back and forth and to know when to cut.

Alex Winter
So they're using the audio waveform. So you do have to set things up in a very specific way in order for you to be able to click the button and for it to work. And if you don't, which I did the same thing too, dude. I did the same, I was really excited, I watched the video,

Alex Winter
and then it was frustrating because you pay the monthly to have it, you download it, and then it doesn't really just do what it looked like it did in the video. And it took a few times to work through it. And I feel like now we've got the workflow figured out, but for a lot of video professionals out there, it was a little bit clunky at first.

Austin Mock
And then when I was having trouble, I was a little bit frustrated, and I was talking to somebody about it, and they're like, oh, maybe on their website they have resources on how to set it up so that you can hit the button and it does it immediately. And I go to Autopod's website, and all they have is really a minute and a half demo of they already had it set up perfectly in the timeline. They hit the button and it went chop, chop, chop.

Austin Mock
They didn't show. I think that first time it took me like 40, 45 minutes to figure it out. That's because I didn't know what I was doing. Once I've done it now, the first time it'll be a lot faster, you know, going into the future. Right.

Alex Winter
And with it being so early, there weren't a lot of videos on YouTube. I'm sure there will be as time goes on and I'm sure they're gonna get better with their technology and how finicky it is as well. But I think that's been a challenge as a videographer of just seeing, you know, these companies are excited about their product because they're an amazing product, but they're also, you know, for-profit businesses that are trying to

Alex Winter
make money and sometimes are putting their things in the best light and not showing the problems. Like we talked about here at Impact, we're big on transparency, discussing the problems and how to fix them in your business.

Austin Mock
So that's been something that has been a little bit hard.

Alex Winter
That's damn straight. That's what we do. And that's why we're doing this episode right now, because we want to talk about, even though they are great tools, they aren't perfect like anything, right? So it's part of the process of learning these new tools and the shift that's really happening industry-wide. And we're using AutoPod as an example,

Alex Winter
but there's plenty of other examples like this, too. It's happened with Opus Clip, it's happened with Descript. Again, all great tools, but it takes some time, and I think some good advice for people out there is to just try it. Just get your hands dirty, and I think you and I

Alex Winter
maybe were a little resistant at first, so let's start the conversation there with, like, as we get into adoption of these tools, there is fear around it because I even I was like if this can edit so quickly and do all this stuff like why do you need me to edit it right? So I think a lot of video professionals are worried that

Alex Winter
it's gonna take their job. Is that something you're worried about? Yeah definitely for sure and I think you know if it's not something you're trying to keep up with it will take your job because you know if I was still in a in a lab trying to cut film with an exacto knife and glue it together or however you did that with film. We taped it together. Yeah, taping it together. I probably wouldn't be here today because I would be way too slow. But at the same time, you

Alex Winter
know, there's still that that concern and then I think one of the other frustrations is, you know, is it taking away the soul of the craft? Because I think a lot of people who go into like film and video, their goal isn't like, hey, someday I'm gonna be the most efficient corporate videographer there ever was, which isn't a bad goal, I think that's a great goal,

Alex Winter
but I think a lot of people go into it looking for like the heart and the story of things. And the art behind it. And the art, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And I feel like that is a little bit at risk right now as well.

Alex Winter
So you just have to approach it in a right way and just a good mindset that you're gonna use AI to become more efficient so that then you can use that time to work on extra projects

Austin Mock
that have that heart and that soul.

Alex Winter
That's a great point, that's a really great point. And we definitely use, we leverage it to certain projects like the podcast here that you're watching and listening to right now. We do two of these a week, every week, like clockwork. So when you're in an automated sort of like,

Alex Winter
you're just constantly cranking out content, these tools are amazing and really help us out. Like I know for me, it saves about an hour and a half to two hours per episode, which when compounding over time, that's a lot of time saved. But I also know that we pick certain projects,

Alex Winter
you know, if we're doing specific videos for the website that need to look really polished, or we're trying to do a customer journey video, that is where the art and the storytelling comes in, where we don't necessarily use AI as much because we still want certain projects

Alex Winter
to have that old school feel. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And that's a good point. And I don't think we would be able to do two episodes of this podcast a week without the assistance of AI for sure. Yeah, I totally agree.

Alex Winter
Yeah, so for videographers and for editors out there, what advice would you give them? Like when's a good time to leverage these tools versus when you shouldn't? And we talked about a little bit just now, like when you're trying to be more creative and artsy and you have the time to do it, it seems like that's the time to flex and use your skills. But when you're under the gun and you got a lot of content to crank out, it sounds like you need to be using AI.

Alex Winter
Yeah, I think so. And it can be hard, you know, when you're under deadlines to try to learn a new tool. You know, just like as a videographer, when you started learning and you're trying to learn just the editing software, things are so slow and you know what you want the computer to do, but you don't know the steps and the buttons to push to get there and it can be so frustrating and something that shouldn't take that long takes a long time. Yeah. You've got to approach

Alex Winter
it like that. You're learning a new tool and it's in the long run gonna help you. Right now there's a lot of tools out there and it can be confusing to know which ones are helpful and I think it just depends on, you know, your role, the types of projects you make because some things that are useful for me aren't going to be useful for someone else. I think one that kind of has that misconception is Opus Clip, which is another one we use, which has been super helpful in taking this podcast and cutting it into shorts.

Alex Winter
We've used it a lot in the recent months and it's been super helpful. They already have automated captions. You can even add AIB role, even though sometimes it's not the best. But it even will adjust the framing, depending on the speakers, so that you don't have to worry about the framing. Because sometimes with social, that can get a little wonky, and it cuts people off halfway

Alex Winter
through. So it is getting better. And I feel like we used to look at Opus Clip differently. Like a year ago, Opus Clip couldn't do what it can do today. And it's advanced so much that now we're using it all the time. And I think that's also a good rule that like what what Opus clip could do six months ago

Alex Winter
Compared to now is exponential and in six months from now Where is it going to take us and that's I think for all the AI tools out there? That's a real thing sure it's it's moving quickly, and I think Opus it works for us because we kind of have a podcast setting Where it's just a few angles. There's my angle your angle and the angle of both of us So it's easy for Opus clip to cut that up whereas if you make different types of projects that are more graphic heavy or need the whole wide screen, OpusClip doesn't

Alex Winter
work super well because it just crops in. It'll choose something to look at and you can adjust it, but if it's not like a podcast style, it may not work the best for you. So you got to look at all the different tools out there. Almost all of them have free trials. Yeah, set a reminder to cancel them so you're not accidentally paying for it if you don't want to. But I think just trying a lot of different tools and seeing what works best for you and your specific projects is the way to get started and also using chat GPT and whatever you can.

Alex Winter
I've found that it's not great at writing scripts, but it helps me brainstorm so that I can write the scripts. That's a great point.

Austin Mock

Alex Winter
Yeah, because I feel like you and I both went through that and like a similar time when GPT was really becoming serious and our company was really adopting AI and it was becoming part of our culture, I just remember saying to you like, we can't use GPT to like finalize scripts.

Alex Winter
But there's also the beauty of GPT where like when you're sitting at a blank document, you know, Google Docs open and you're staring at your computer and you're like, all right, where do I start this journey? How do I start this script?

Alex Winter
It's amazing for that. And it at least gets the creative juices flowing and gives you some ideas that you can then take and really fine-tune and make it your own. So I think there's a lot of opportunity there to help people creatively.

Alex Winter
But just make sure not to rely on it fully, so that it's still in your voice and it's still authentic and all those things, yeah.

Austin Mock

Alex Winter
So question for you. And this is another struggle that we've had, right? I think a lot of video professionals out there are going to be feeling this one. And we're just going to call out the elephant in the room, we're keeping it real today.

Alex Winter
So, do you feel like there's been a lot of times where, as a video professional, you're misunderstood as far as like, what you do day to day, and the misconception is like, oh well, there's an AI tool that'll just do that, just go figure it out, and it's not that simple. It's just frankly not that simple.

Alex Winter
Do you, have you felt that? And if that's true, can you talk a little bit about that? Absolutely, absolutely. And I think that anyone that works on videos understands that or has had the experience that someone who doesn't work on videos has different expectations.

Alex Winter
Right, and there's a lot of videographers we work with where they're the video person in their company and the rest of their company are all specialists in what they do. So there's a gap. They don't really understand the ins and outs

Alex Winter
the same way that I don't understand how they would sell or do some of the things they do, yeah. Yeah, and I think the way to kind of get over that, especially in this age of AI where, you know, like we just talked about earlier, someone sees a demo video and they're like,

Austin Mock
look, you just put it in and you push the button, there it is. And really, it's not that simple. It is helpful, but it's not quite that simple. And I think what you need to do as a videographer is just really be transparent with your supervisor

Alex Winter
and leadership at your company. And even if they don't understand, maybe even just doing like a screen recording and say, here's like the normal process to do this. Here's what this company says should happen. And here's been my experience.

Alex Winter
Here's what actually happened. Yeah, yeah, and that'll take a little extra time and just be transparent and make sure they know that you're trying and you're not just doing it improperly on purpose to write it off and not have to worry about it. But just going through that journey with them,

Alex Winter
even if they don't know the ins and the outs of video editing, it's probably helpful for them to still see it and just see the different methods, the original way,

Austin Mock
the AI, and then what they say they should be saying.

Alex Winter
This happened to us, and this is actually to Bob, our CEO, to his credit, he came to us and was like, look at this tool. You guys should figure this out and you can do this and you don't need to spend as much time in it. He came in pretty hot with this idea and we were definitely skeptical and it was like,

Alex Winter
well, you don't fully understand the ins and outs of like the day-to-day what we do and we had to educate him, but he's such a great leader that he was open to the education. You sent him a video, we've talked about it and he sees that it does help us do our job faster, but it wasn't originally like, oh, you just click a button and it's done and it makes your job like that, right?

Alex Winter
So it is important, education and communication is key with leadership to get them to really see that, so that you're at least all on the same page. Yeah, and I think on the other end of that is you as a videographer, if you're listening to this show, you're probably a corporate videographer like we are.

Alex Winter
And if you're in that position, you also need to understand the other side of the coin, where it's like, if you're working for a for-profit corporation, the goal of that corporation is to make money or to do things faster, cheaper. Efficiently, yeah. Yeah, not everybody's trying to make, you know, Oscar award-winning videos for their corporation.

Alex Winter
I mean, everybody loves awards and you're trying to do your best work. Sure. But the goal of the corporation is still to make money or not spend as much on certain things. So being able to see both sides, I think, is really important, especially as a videographer, seeing that side too, so you don't get too frustrated about their enthusiasm of bringing these tools your direction. Totally. And the enthusiasm comes from a good place. And that was for Bob specifically, it came from a good place.

Alex Winter
And we did have those conversations. And again, to his credit, he really, he really has seen how we can leverage it to our advantage to make things more efficient, but also keeping it real with what it actually can versus can't do. But there are efficiencies with it too, and I think especially people that are into endless customers and they ask you answer where you're creating a lot of content on a regular basis, two to three articles a week, two to three videos a week, that's not an easy thing to do, especially if you've never done it before.

Alex Winter
So to be able to leverage these tools, it can really help you get your job done faster. And for bridging the gap with your sales and your marketing teams, I feel like the caveat with sales is they always want stuff, but it takes like two or three weeks and by the time they get it, they already closed the deal or whatever happened with the deal happened. So there's always that gap and this might help close that gap. And we've seen that here at Impact.

Austin Mock
We've been doing a lot of that. So there's opportunity there as well. What other tools are you into right now or what other things should we be talking about for videographers out there? Yeah, we talked about autopod and we talked about Opus clip. We've used Descript a little bit Descript is great as well yeah, I've used Descript and Not a not as much as the other two tools

Alex Winter
The one thing I really like about that and Opus clip as well is you can do text based editing which really allows allows someone who's not ready to use Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro or, you know, one of the more professional level editing softwares, it allows them to get in there and do some kind of basic editing. And that's another way you could kind of, you know, help your boss see how things work is have them run a video through Opus Clip or Descript and do a little bit of editing

Alex Winter

Austin Mock

Alex Winter
Yeah, because they can use it. You're right. You don't need to be a video professional to do that. And we do that with Nicole on our team. So Nicole heads up on our marketing squad and does a lot of our social media content.

Alex Winter
And she uses Opus Clip and gets in there to help with time stamping and transcripts and all that stuff. So can you talk a little bit about how that works? Because she's not a video professional, but she still gets a lot of video content done and moved across the finish line thanks to these tools.

Austin Mock
Yeah, so we'll take a final episode, you put it into either Opus Clip, and another one we use is video, V-I-D-Y-O.

Austin Mock

Austin Mock
0:18:11, I believe. Or I-O, I'm not sure. And you can put the clip in there and it'll pull out the best moments and kind of give you a virality score for the different shorts that it pulls out.

Austin Mock
Oh, that's cool. And you can say, like, I want these all within one minute. And it'll give you the transcript. And then that's where you can go into each clip and kind of use the transcript. And if they say some things you don't like,

Austin Mock
you can just highlight those words, hit Delete, and then it'll clip it out. So it's got a lot of opportunity there for people who aren't natural video editors, like Nicole. She can go in there and make small edits and then come out with something that looks really

Alex Winter
good. Right, whereas in the past, she'd have to give us the timestamps and tell us like, hey, I need to do the X, Y, and Z, and then we'd have to clip them and send them back, and then she'd have to approve it. So it does make the process faster, and it gives her a little bit of control too, which is I'm sure exciting for her because I know she loves doing some of that stuff.

Alex Winter
Yeah, and sometimes those tools aren't quite as good as, like it's not going to be as clean as having a natural editor do it, where the cuts might be a little bit off, like it'll cut to you, and then the camera will adjust. So it just feels a little bit clunky. I think I mentioned earlier, Opus has an AI B-roll tool where you can turn on just like optional B-roll

Alex Winter
and it'll take a word from a sentence. So I'll say like, if I'm saying in the video, I drove my car to the dollar store. It'll highlight the word car and then it'll see like, okay What can I pull up of a car? So it pulls up a Lamborghini and you're saying I drove my car to the dollar store and it pulls up a Lamborghini It's like hmm. I don't know that that really fits. You're not driving your Lambo to the dollar

Alex Winter
I wish I had a Lambo, but I drove my Subaru out back to the dollar store yesterday So there are some things that don't really fit perfectly well But those are the things that they'll probably get there in like six months or so. So if you learn how to use it now, you're not going to have to be behind later. You're just going to have to take a small step forward.

Alex Winter
Yeah. And that's a good topic, right? So I recently did an episode talking with Bob, our CEO, about the same thing. It's like proactive versus reactive and the mentality shift of like, this is coming. It's kind of like the new dot-com bubble, where there was people that were pro, like, we're going to build a

Alex Winter
website, we're going to get on board with this, versus people who didn't. And we all know what happened to the people who didn't. And this seems to be like the next evolution of that happening, where, yes, there are some things that are a little scary.

Alex Winter
But overall, it's coming, whether you're happy, scared, whatever feeling about it. And are you going to be proactive and learn, or are you going to be reactive when, inevitably, this is going to do what it's going to do? So that's a good mentality shift to have.

Alex Winter
And that's something that I was probably more reactive towards the beginning of this AI journey because I just went immediately to like Terminator 2 status with Skynet and the more I think about it and the more we do this, the more I'm realizing that you have to be proactive

Alex Winter
and you have to learn these things. And the more you get your hands dirty, the better off you are.

Austin Mock
Yeah. Yeah, and it's allowed us to do a lot and it's allowed me personally to grow a lot in my career and do some extra things that I wouldn't have had a chance or the time to do otherwise. So

Alex Winter
it's been a good good experience. Yeah, let's talk about that for a second. So when you started out here at Impact, you started out really as a videographer and paired with the way the company has scaled but also with AI and these tools, you're now the producer of this show. So this is this is your show man. You run it, you schedule with all of our guests, you write copy, you're so multifaceted and you do a lot, but it's really helped you to grow in your professional career as well.

Alex Winter
And did you think this is where it was going to take you when you first started here, I guess is what I'm asking. Yeah, not really, because when I started, it was kind of right before the boom of AI, so I had no idea. And it's definitely taken my role and given me a lot of opportunity to try new things that has been exciting and allowed me to learn, and I feel like a more well-rounded employee now that I've had the chance.

Alex Winter
You definitely are. Yeah.

Austin Mock

Alex Winter
Yeah, you definitely are and it's great working with you. So everybody out there watching, this show wouldn't happen without Austin. I know I said that before, but I'm saying it again. Team effort. Team effort. So for a lot of these corporate videographers and videographers that are in the stripe that we're talking about what we do, making podcasts, making content for sales enablement, things like that. You had mentioned like awards earlier,

Alex Winter
and like we're not trying to be super artsy here. And that is a tough shift, because I think everyone wants to, like this is a creative field that we're in, so we want to try to bring that creativity. But I think this is a good topic,

Alex Winter
is like you have to be selective with that creativity. And overall, like people nowadays, there's so much content that's video online and social media that like, if something isn't edited perfectly right this way, like I don't even know if people really notice anymore.

Alex Winter
So, does that play into like how we produce content and what that means? And like, how should videographers and editors be mindful of like, picking and choosing when to really flex and then also just like, the baseline for where the standards of quality

Alex Winter
should be at? Yeah, that is a great question. And you know, before, like I said that, that doesn't mean you shouldn't strive to be artistic in your videos and in your role

Austin Mock
But yeah

Alex Winter
I think you really need to know what the goal of the content is When you're talking with your boss being transparent in there You need to talk to them and see what their goal is and maybe even say like hey if you had to have me do Slightly less quality but faster in some areas where would you prefer that and where would you prefer me to go all out on? You know kind of the artistic human side of things. And so, as corporate videographers,

Alex Winter
one of the things we do is customer journey videos. I think that's really an area where you can flex your story skills, your cinematography, your just human element, because that's the goal of that video is to really bring out emotion and make people see,

Alex Winter
hey, I've felt that way, maybe that company can help me in my journey as well. So I think it really depends on the goal of the content, the goals of your team, and just the type of content

Austin Mock
you're creating too, and a touch of intuition as well.

Alex Winter
Nice, nice, well said. Well said, so I got a fun one for you. I got a question I've been waiting to ask you this one. So we use a lot of AI tools, we talked about quite a few of them, is there an AI tool that doesn't exist that you would like to see happen?

Alex Winter
Because I have one, but I'm curious if maybe like, is there something you're doing day to day that you're like, man, I wish they would just come up with something that would automate this or make this a little bit faster for me. That is a good question.

Alex Winter
I think it would be fun to have one that wrote really good scripts, especially for video scripts. But that is also part of the job that I enjoy most. So it's like, it's where I enjoy putting my time. But it would be fun to have something that's a little bit more robust

Alex Winter
than the typical chat GPT for that. Even if it's just as a brainstorming partner

Austin Mock
and giving you ideas to bounce off of.

Alex Winter
Yeah, okay, I like that. Open AI, if you're listening. We need a video script editor, okay? So there's one for me, and this is something that I think, I wouldn't say we struggle with, but I'm a data person. I love data.

Alex Winter
I know you are too. We look at analytics and data all the time to help us create better content and to learn from the content that we've made to enhance what we're doing. I would love to see an AI tool that could

Alex Winter
read our analytical data on our YouTube channels or on our website or whatever the case may be and then can audit and basically give us direct feedback of like, here's where you should shift this because engagement on these videos are at this percentage or like whatever but like for me I would Love a tool like that because there's a lot of data to digest and it's hard sometimes to figure out

Alex Winter
Like what the data says versus how that translates into like okay? We need to make this video different in X Y and Z way no and that's something that we've experimented with and we do a B Testing but it would be cool to have a tool that was just like Don't do a B. Do C. And then you'll be good. Yeah, because you can go deep into the YouTube analytics, but it doesn't really put all that together for you

Alex Winter
like you're saying and saying, here's your audience or your intended audience, and here's where you should go in that direction. You kind of have to put all that together yourself, which is really time consuming. So that would be awesome.

Alex Winter
Yeah, that's it. We might have to, we're gonna start our first AI tool here at Impact, right?

Austin Mock
Here we go, yeah.

Alex Winter
Any other thoughts about AI for videographers before we wrap up? I think just keep an open mind to it. It's in its infancy right now. There are some things, you know, from the perspective of viewing video as a craft, that can be really frustrating about it, as well as expectations of those who don't understand video and have never done it before. So that can be really frustrating, but don't let it get you down, because there's also so much possibility and opportunity.

Alex Winter
And if you dive in and try to make those things happen, it's really exciting to see what you

Austin Mock
can actually do with it.

Alex Winter
Well said, Austin. Well said. So for people that are listening and watching, videographers out there, if they have follow-up questions or they want to pick your brain about any of this stuff, how can they get in touch with you?

Austin Mock
Yeah, probably the best way would be LinkedIn. I'm pretty active on there, even if I'm not posting, always lurking. Or I'm also on Impact Plus as well if you want to send me a message there.

Alex Winter
Awesome, awesome, thanks for being on the show. It was great talking with you, man. Thanks for having me. Hey, for everybody out there listening and watching, this is Endless Customers, I'm Alex Winter. this is Endless Customers, I'm Alex Winter.

Alex Winter
We'll see you on the next episode.

Transcribed with Cockatoo

"A lot of video professionals are worried that AI is going to take their jobs... if it's not something you're trying to keep up with, it will take your job,"  says Austin Mock, a seasoned video producer and content creator at IMPACT.

He goes on to say, "While these tools are really useful and you can use them in amazing ways... they're not always what they seem at first." AI tools like Auto Pod and Opus Clip have been marketed as game-changers for video production, promising to simplify the editing process significantly. 

However, Austin highlights, these AI tools often require a deeper understanding and proper setup to achieve the desired results. The initial learning curve can be steep. The "click-of-a-button" magic we are sold is seldom as straightforward as advertised.

Ultimately, us video professionals are trying to find the proper balance between using AI for efficiency while equally preserving the creative soul of our work.

Looking ahead, AI technology is advancing at a rapid pace and it is critical for video professionals to stay proactive. As AI tools continue to evolve, videographers must adapt and learn to integrate these technologies into their workflows. This proactive approach will not only enhance their productivity but also open up new opportunities for creative expression and professional growth.

Connect with Austin Mock

Austin produces video content that aligns with the brand and mission of IMPACT's marketing team. He believes that video content has the potential to change the world through inspiration, education, entertainment, and enlightenment. Austin has over five years of experience in video production. He has been a part of projects that range from social media pieces to working as the director of an episode of 'Life on the Line'; a documentary series featured on PBS.

Check out Austin’s IMPACT Bio:

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Keep Learning

Watch: Problems With Opus Clip


Watch: Problems With Outsourcing Video Work To A Production Company


Endless Customers is a podcast produced and distributed by IMPACT, a sales and marketing training organization.

We coach businesses to implement our They Ask, You Answer framework to build trust and fill their pipeline. 

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Endless Customers is a podcast produced and distributed by IMPACT, a sales and marketing training organization.

We coach businesses to implement our They Ask, You Answer framework to build trust and fill their pipeline. 

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