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This Style of Video Can Literally Double Your Sales [Endless Customers Podcast S.1 Ep.21]

By Alex Winter
Apr 8, 2024
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Alex, what if I told you that there was a video that could save you hours, especially if you're a salesperson? Would you wanna know what that video is?
Absolutely, I would wanna know what that video is, yeah.
Well, if you stick around for the rest of this episode, I promise we'll get into all the details on how you can make that video that will literally change your business.
Let's do it. Welcome back to the show. This is Endless Customers. My name is Alex Winter and today we are joined by Lindsey Otten who is a marketing and sales trainer here at IMPACT. She's also a video expert. Lindsey, welcome back to the show.
Lindsey 0:00:45 Thanks, Alex.
It's great to be here. It's great to see you. It's great to have you.
How's everything going?
You doing all right? Can't complain. Can't complain, nice, nice. Well, I want to dive right in. Today we're talking specifically about video and a certain style of video that has been really effective for a lot of businesses that we train and coach, but also really effective for us as well.
It's called an 80% video. You know what that is?
Have you ever heard of an 80% video?
Lindsey 0:01:09 Wait, what?
80%, it says right here, 80% video.
I'm just kidding, Alex, of course I know what that is.
I've been doing this for a while now. But yes, I do know what an 80% video is, and if you have my reaction to hearing what an 80% video is, the wait, what? Go back and read the ask you picture, because it is one of the things that we talk about having the biggest difference in a company when they start implementing video.
So yes, I do know what an 80% video is and I'm very excited to talk about it today. I'm excited to talk about it too.
And we're getting granular because this is one of the seven videos that falls under the selling seven, which again, if you have read The Ask Your Answer, you would know about this. If you haven't, you should definitely check it out, but we're really focusing in on one particular video, the 80% video. So can we talk a little bit high level first, Lindsay,
about what exactly that is so that people can get a sense of just the style and overall feel of a video like that?
So, when you think about, I'm gonna take video out of it for a second, and I'm gonna use a sales conversation. And I'm gonna specifically focus on, let's say the home renovation space. Let's say I'm a design consultant, and I work for a remodeling company, and I go on several appointments, I hope I'm going on several appointments a week,
with people to talk about remodeling something for their home. Let's say kitchens. And I go to an appointment, and then I go to another appointment, and I keep hearing the same questions over and over again. And if I were to guess, I would say 80% of the questions are probably the same. There's that number, 80%. So imagine taking all those questions that you get that are the same and answering them in one video that you could, let's say this use case, send it ahead of an appointment
so that the time that you spend in that appointment potentially could get cut in half because all of those general questions that you get asked every single time are answered in a video. And this is a longer, this is a long form video. We're not talking about a short form video here. I've seen 80% videos last anywhere from five to 14 minutes. And you might be thinking that's a range, but we're talking about applying this to all industries,
not just the example I gave. You could apply this to the tech space. You could apply this to roofing. Really, anything that you can think of where someone is asking or people are asking questions and those questions generally most of the time are the same, you can apply the concept of an 80% video to that scenario to make it, to speed up the relationship building
with that person. Yeah, I love that.
And you said that it can shorten the meetings and it certainly can. And I think too what it can do, instead of shortening the meetings sometimes, it can also give you a chance to have way more meaningful conversations. So instead of having the same shtick that you have to talk about
and answer these same Q&A back and forth questions that waste a lot of time, you can send this video ahead of time, you can get them educated, you can get them excited, and then you can have a really meaningful conversation instead of just doing the same thing over and over. Really cool.
And if you don't have to answer general questions, then you can be way more specific about what someone needs in that moment. Let's say I'm that kitchen remodeler and I've answered the most common questions about a kitchen remodel, and then I'm talking to someone in their home. I'm answering their specific questions about their project,
and that makes it feel more genuine and more actionable. And it gives you more authority in that moment too, because you've already anticipated some of the needs that they have. You're already coming from a position of educator when you walk into the home. And so they're gonna be that much more excited to dive into a project with you,
knowing that you've done your due diligence ahead of time to say like, I'm anticipating these questions you have, so that when I get to your house, we can focus on your kitchen and talk about what's gonna make you really excited to have your kitchen remade.
I love that. No, I absolutely love that. And it also, from a perception standpoint, for the end user, so the purchaser, that your potential client, it just feels way more buttoned up and well thought out from a process standpoint. It builds trust faster.
It just feels more concierge. So from like, if I'm buying a product or a service, I feel like I would be much more interested and trusting of buying and working with said company versus having to go through the motions like you normally would. So the next question I have here, it sounds like this is
really part of the sales process or like you would use this in the sales process. Can you talk about how sales teams can
and should use this in their process? Yeah, so sales teams, well first off if you think about how many sales people you have, each of them should have their own 80% video. They should have that opportunity to create a connection with their own leads. So if you have eight salespeople, that's eight 80% videos. They should be able to send their own 80% video to their own people that they're gonna be talking to and help them build those relationships.
6 0:06:22 So.
Gotcha, so you really wanna try to personalize it, it sounds like is what you're saying.
Yes, you wanna try to personalize it and think about it. If you're a salesperson and you are, you're going to someone's home or you're taking a call with someone about, you know, understanding their business problems that they might need your software for and you send them someone else's 80% video. Well, then you still have to do the legwork
of building the relationship when you're in the Zoom room or you get to the home, like you're still a stranger to that person. So if you can send your own and have your own face and own voice on camera, they've already created some kind of relationship with you. You're the guy from the video or you're the girl from the video.
Like each person should have their own 80% video. And that's why I would encourage people when you are introducing this concept to your sales team, one of the first videos you should make with them is an 80% video. Everyone should participate in filming their bio video and 80% video. So that way we can start using it.
And you might be thinking, well, that's really early and this is such an important video. Yeah, you're probably gonna make three or four versions of your 80% video over time because people's performance on camera is gonna get better. People's understanding of customers' needs are gonna get better as they shift their mindset from seller to educator.
And that's okay, that's why you have a videographer, so that you can make these projects better over time instead of having to outsource it. So I always say, in terms of priority of where this video gets made from a sales process perspective, if you're trying to improve conversions on your leads, let's say we're driving a lot of leads,
but we're getting two appointments and they're not, they're not converting after their first appointment. Well, you need 80% videos. That's gonna help create a more successful environment for your sales team. If they have those videos, they can send them ahead of time. They can put themselves in a better position
to succeed on their first appointments if they are already walking into a scenario where they're seen as an expert.
Yeah, and I would imagine any salesperson, I have very little sales experience, but the experience I do have, you always want a warm lead, you don't want a cold lead. So anything you can do to warm up that lead is just gonna work to your advantage as you go through the process and go through the motions. So that makes total sense.
You have a lot of experienced training companies on how to do this and how to implement the Selling 7, this 80% video specifically coaching sales team with assignment selling. Do you have a story you could share with us or like an example where people have adopted this and it's worked really well and their sales numbers have increased a certain amount or something
to that effect that you could share with us?
Yeah, you guys know this team really well, the roof rafters team down in my neck of the woods. So, it's a bank in Tampa and Orlando, Jacksonville. One of the first things we did with getting their team to understand how to use video is we hired the videographer. One of the first projects was every salesperson has a bio and 80% video. And when we started, we had one version of an 80% video, but I remember months down the road, the team being like, we need to, we
need to make new 80% videos because our videos are just better overall now. And we have a better understanding of how we would answer these questions. Now that we've had practice doing it, we've had more practice in front of the video, but there were several times where we would get on calls and the guys would say, this video has made a difference because I'm not a stranger, or I sent this video and, you know, for example, Savannah, Georgia, Alex, you're very familiar with Savannah. There are people who have vacation homes in Savannah,
so it's their second home. And so, most of the time, or some of the time, they're not there. And so, getting a video from your estimator ahead of the appointment, then going to the appointment, doing their inspection, making their recommendation via video, they were winning more often with those
people who weren't physically there because of video,
being able to make those connections with video. I would say too, from a commercial roofing perspective, when you're talking about creating content that is specifically for HOA presidents or people who need to get approval for more than just one person, having a video that walks through those common questions, those like, those sticking points where maybe if
you can't be at the HOA meeting to say it yourself, a video can say it better than someone playing telephone can. Those scenarios help speed up what could be relatively slow deals, because they have to go through so many rounds of approval. And because they're hearing it directly from the horse's mouth. That can make a night and day difference on whether or not they choose to go with you in an HOA meeting over someone else
who just has a piece of paper proposal in front of them.
Totally. No, I think especially in that scenario, but just in general too, if I'm buying or if I have to make a decision like that, to have a video shows that they spent the time and the money to go that extra mile to really build trust, answer my questions, make sure that it's there,
and that compared to a company who maybe isn't doing that, it makes it that much clearer of a decision, at least for me, yeah. So it makes a lot of sense. And the guys over at RoofCrafters is definitely worth checking out. Dave and the team over there are incredible. And I think after implementing a lot of this video work,
and you coached them and trained them on this, I don't wanna misquote here, but I remember Dave saying something to the effect of like, they were doing a 20 to 30% close rate on their deals before starting with this video process, and after doing it, it went up to like 60%. So they went from like 25-ish percent to like 60% close rates, which is enormous.
That's enormous. So that's just the power of video right there and what it can do in your sales process. So stepping outside of the sales process, what would you recommend for companies that wanna make an 80% video, but maybe they want to make it a little bit more top of the funnel, talking about social media or putting it on YouTube
or doing something that's a little bit more about awareness and less about direct sales or direct selling.
Yeah, you hit two really important points there, Alex, and the first being that if you're making something that's supposed to drive awareness, the key factor in whether or not it's going to stick or resonate with someone who is genuinely in an awareness phase is whether or not you're talking about yourself or just talking in general about the problem or solution that could solve the issue of what someone's searching for.
So in our scenario, we were talking about sales and answering those questions that are specific to an appointment. That content should be, there's gonna be some general answers that you could take from that 80% video and maybe move it into an awareness video, but in general, the parts of, when you're talking about how you do your whole process,
how you do, you know, warranty, certain things like that, that's not gonna be included in an awareness video. When you think about someone who is in the awareness phase, they know they have a problem and they're evaluating solutions. They might not even know that your solution or your product or your service is what they want to go with.
So taking the same idea of answering questions but making it so that it's not you specific and more industry specific or more mindset specific of where someone is, that's gonna make your biggest difference of an 80% video that gets thousands of views versus an 80% video that gets hundreds of views.
Yeah, well that makes a lot of sense. And it just plays into the fact that you're building awareness. So you're still ultimately building trust, but there's different purposes here, where you're meeting somebody that's just starting their learning process and entering into that, like I'm dipping my toe in the water,
I'm getting a feel for what's up, versus somebody who's a little further down the funnel when you're in the sales process. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
If I were to go against a specific example, and anyone who knows me knows that this is, of course, not something I would think of, it's not a secret that I love cats. I bet you were thinking that I was gonna say CrossFit, but I'm gonna talk about cats.
I wasn't sure which way you were gonna go with that, but okay, so not CrossFit, we're talking about cats.
Yeah, so if I'm someone who, let's say, if we weave a little bit of CrossFit into this, someone who's conscious about my own nutrition, and I'm someone who is obsessed with my pets, well, I'm gonna want that same nutrition experience for them, or think about doing something like that for them. And so, if I wanna get away from traditional pet food diet, I might start Googling alternative options
to traditional pet food. And I'm going to find a bunch of things. I'm going to find grain-free options. I'm going to find raw diet options. And I'm going to start going down a rabbit hole of all of the options and doing my research so that I can make a decision or go to my vet and say, look at all this research I've done.
Point me in the right direction. But I'm immediately just like given information about one specific company That's not what I'm looking for I'm just trying to gather as much evidence as I can so I can make a decision one way or another so if I find a really great article or video that walks me through all of those options of
Alternatives to traditional pet food, then I'm more likely to keep going down the rabbit hole of that person's content because they gave me good information to start with.
7 0:16:09 Right.
Make their a raw food pet company, but maybe they aren't. Maybe it's someone else who is just doing a great job creating content, but regardless, you know people are going to go down that rabbit hole. You want them to go down the rabbit hole that you create for them, and the best way to do that is meeting them where they're at in terms of their mindset, where they are on the buyer's journey,
and creating content that speaks directly to that.
I couldn't agree more. The buyer's journey is so important to think about that, and not be me, me, me, but about them, and about what their experience should be, and how to design that. So is this fair to say, it sounds like the 80% video that we were talking about earlier is much more like, this is how we do our pricing,
and this is how we do this stuff, because they're further down the funnel, versus when you're doing more of the top of the funnel, it's like this is how our industry prices stuff out and this is how our industry does. So it's a little bit more high level to start the education before you get into the weeds.
Lindsey 0:17:02 Yeah.
So would you recommend having like two versions of an 80% video, one that's like very granular sales process that the sales team uses that's further down the funnel versus a second one that's a little bit more high-level industry top of mind?
Yeah, I think you could, I think where, and this is me getting real nerdy over 80% videos, you could make an 80% video about almost anything. If you think about all of the videos or types of videos that we create, they are focused on answering specific questions at a specific time. And by definition, that's an 80% video.
Almost all of the types of videos that we create, you could find the root of, like the essence of what an 80% video is in that video. Not to be all meta here. No, let's get nerdy. I love it.
I love really trying to break these things down and talk about them seriously. So this also, since we're getting nerdy, we had Marcus here recently, who is a great mind, has invented a lot of these systems and put them into place through his book, They Ask, You Answer. But we started talking about recruiting
and I found it fascinating that you can basically use the principles of They Ask, You Answer, not just with potential clients and how you market your business, but also internally with how you recruit people. So I'm guessing you could probably do an 80% video for recruiting and for hiring people, is that right?
Under a percent.
It's so funny because when we do this, or when I have people do this, when they're hiring a videographer or a content manager, and they put an 80% video in the job description, talking about the most common questions they get asked about working for their company, the people who actually apply, the ones who want,
there are gonna be some who don't watch the video. And that's very obvious when you see their application. But the ones who do watch the video and the ones who get really excited, that's when you know that you've got a great pool of applicants. And it's really telling when, so, you know, on our side of things,
when I send 80% videos to, because in part of my role, I help our customers find great talent to fill the videographer or content manager seats. It is very telling when I create an 80% video explaining my role in the whole process and you know how this person would interact with me if they were in this role and several people like you can weed out people who you thought could be a great fit and who don't want coaching who we would have spent hours on anyway only to find out later on,
down the interview process, when I then interview them, that they just, they're not interested. We just saved a bunch of time by creating an 80% video that explains what the coaching is, why we're doing it, who's a good fit for this, who's not a good fit for this role, based on that, it saves, it takes me not a lot of time to make that video, but it saves us a whole lot of time
in the recruiting process when we're looking for talent for these roles. Yeah, I love that.
Time is money, and it's also a respect thing, and I know sometimes it may seem difficult or scary or hard or insert whatever negative word there, but ultimately, you're wasting your time and the other person's time, so if you can get ahead of that and go like, hey, even though this is tough and we want it to be a good fit, it's not clearly, so let's stop here and reset.
And I think there's a lot of value to that because when you're hiring and recruiting, that time, that affects your bottom line. And all that time that you spend to then not make a hire or to hire the wrong person and then have to let them go later and start all over again, like that can kill companies, it really can.
We had, I'll give you an example of when this worked really well. I was working with a company in New Zealand who's trying to break into the market in the US. And they're hiring a US-based videographer. And we made several videos in that process because we got a lot of applicants. And we made several videos in that process. And we actually found, ended up finding someone who already knew what the ask you answer was, was really excited about coaching and training and really hit the ground running because we did so much work in the, in the hiring process to vet out
people who weren't going to lean in and be excited about this. I think we eliminate out of, I think we had around 25 candidates moving into the interview rounds, and after me creating an 80% video we narrowed it down to like five or six of people. How much time did that save though? Like instead of talking to 25 people, only talking to six.
Yeah, that's a big deal, big deal. I also want to talk about quality, right? So I think there's a, people
may be thinking as they're listening and watching this, like I don't have a video person, I don't have a video crew, I don't have a $10,000 camera and insert all this cool technology. What do you say to people like that?
Because I feel like nowadays the power of what's in your pocket with your cell phone, like, this doesn't have to necessarily be some huge, highly produced video. It can just be very, very direct, very honest. Is that, am I right in saying that?
Yeah, the videos that we were just talking about that I've made, the 80% videos, are all in this setting. My webcam, my camera microphone, and a vidyard. Just opening it up, laying it out there, this background, which we'll get some pictures up eventually, but it's fine for now. Like, that's all, that all goes into the 80% video.
It's not much more than what I'm standing in front of you recording on right now.
Right, and it's better than not doing it, right? So like, yeah, okay, it'd be nice if you had some pictures on the wall, sure, but like, this is much better than just sending an email, per se, or just sending a voicemail or something like that, yeah.
Yeah, what it really comes down to is how do you communicate it? So if you are, if you're just using your webcam and you're using your camera microphone, that's good enough. The way that you communicate it is what's going to quote unquote sell it at the end of the day, right? Because if I send a video like that and it's,
hey, my name is Lindsey, I'm this like trainer person that you could potentially work with, versus hey, this is Lindsey with IMPACT and the purpose of this video is to introduce you to who I am and why the company that you're interviewing with is working with IMPACT to help implement this video marketing strategy, there's a night and day difference in how that's presented.
It doesn't matter what the camera quality is necessarily, it's all in how you present it to the audience.
Yeah, and it isn't to say that camera quality and background isn't important, but overall, I totally agree, and I think that's part of what's happened with the shift with social media and technology nowadays, people care more about the quality of the content and how it's delivered versus how awesome it's shot and the color temperature and all,
like that's secondary to like is it fun to watch, is it engaging, is it cool, is it not? And that's really where we stand these days.
Lindsey 0:24:17 So-
When genuine people in relationships, not to mention Love is Blind on Netflix, you guys are getting a real like insight into my psyche when I'm not an impact But a difference of the couples from season one versus what we're seeing on season six. I'm not gonna offer any spoilers here like night and day like season one genuine people looking to find love season six some some discrepancies in motives that You don't trust people. You're going on reality TV show. It's like, have your moment where you're creating
a relationship and being genuine, and the quality, like, yes, you need to, your camera does need to be in focus, you need to be able to see them, does need to have a decent amount of lighting, and you need to be able to hear what you're saying.
Right, we're not saying it doesn't matter, but.
Correct, but at the end of the day, you don't need to get up in front of a DSLR and
be all work and I spend all this money.
You can do it with your webcam.
Yeah, yeah, so no excuses folks, no excuses out there. Last question I have for you, priority wise. Where does this fall on, like when you train companies, is this something you're like right out of the gate and start doing this immediately? Or like how does this fall into the mix of like people prioritizing this as a company?
Yeah, if you are, I generally, in general, I do recommend it very early on, but specifically if you are, if one of your goals is to have better conversations with your prospects to convert people to a second meeting or a third meeting, then we need an 80% video. That's gonna be early on.
When you hire a videographer and you have a sales team that has never been in front of the camera before and it's going to be their first time like creating a relationship with their videographer early on. That should be one of the first videos they make with the videographer to establish that relationship. So, in general, I recommend it pretty early in the process. And the reason being is because it can have a pretty strong impact right away.
Yeah, I totally agree. What other tips and tricks could you give us? Like, should it be Q&A style when you're filming it? Should you memorize stuff? Like, what does that look like as far as doing it? Because part of it, too, it takes practice like anything. If you've never been on camera, your first couple times on camera aren't gonna be so great.
My first couple times on camera, we buried that footage. Nobody wants to see that. That got burnt. But now, I'm hosting a podcast. So like, there is an evolution and a progression as you practice and do these things. So, yeah, what would you recommend there
as far as like, should people memorize things? How do they, what's the best way to bring the best version of themselves on camera?
Yeah, so I tell people not to memorize things. The only thing I would say to memorize is if you are, I always tell people when you're making a one-to-one video or if you're just opening up your webcam or your phone and you're shooting something on Vidyard, you need to have a clear purpose and promise for a video to start it with, to give it context. So if you're thinking of,
well, how do I start an 80% video? It could sound something like the purpose of this video is to introduce you to all the most common questions that we get asked in our first appointment. And by the end of this video, you should have those questions answered so that when I arrive at your house, we can talk about your specific kitchen design or whatever.
So always start with a purpose and a promise. So share the goal of the video and what the person at the end should, share what, oh, words. Always have a purpose of why you're sharing this video and then promise what the takeaway is going to be at the end of the video. So if you're thinking, how do I start?
That's the formula for starting, is that purpose statement and that promise statement. As far as answering the questions within an 80% video go, I definitely recommend writing the questions down so that you don't forget anything. You have a lot on your mind when you go and hit record for the first time. There's a lot that, I don't wanna say a lot
that could go wrong, but there's a lot that could give you anxiety or could trick you up.
6 0:28:35 So don't-
Yeah, there's a lot of variables.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Yeah, don't, and to have all your questions written down. And I've even told people, like, if you have a notebook and you have to look down at your notebook at all, one of the things that I'll do after the purpose and promise statement is I'll say something like, hey, if you notice me looking down, I just have my notebook here with all the questions listed so that I don't miss any of the questions.
And so that's something I do, and I think it makes it feel more human in that video. No one's ever said, hey, stop looking at your notebook or looking at your other screen.
But also if you address it, then people know what you're looking at versus if you don't, then they're like, why do they keep looking off camera? Why are they nervous? So if you answer those questions, it becomes a very genuine, like, hey, my notes are down here, so I'm just
addressing the elephant in the room, getting ahead of it.
Exactly, exactly.
So having your questions written down, if you have to refer to your notes, that's totally okay. And then as you're delivering the answer to the question, deliver it in a conversational way. If you, one of the ways that it helps to do that is if you read the question out loud and then you just start answering it,
that can help it feel like, you might feel like you're talking to yourself, but it feels more like a genuine conversation than it does just you looking down and then reciting a canned answer verbatim. Have a
genuine conversation on camera answering that question. And then your, people often forget about your call to action
your call to action is a really important piece of the video so by the time they get to the end of the video that have all the information, you'll have hopefully fulfilled your purpose and promise statement. And that call to action is the next logical step you want them to take after watching the video. So after an 80% video in a sales,
like if you're preparing someone for a sales conversation, that call to action could sound something like, now that you have all these most common questions answered, it could be helpful to write down any specific questions you have about your own project, and we can address them when I arrive at your house tomorrow or whenever. Yeah, I love that.
No, I think that's really cool. Also, my background, I used to be a video professional as well, I'm more on camera these days, but I also think doing rehearsals is important, you know? And you don't want it to come off too practiced or too rehearsed, but usually the first time you do a video, at least for me, I'll speak for myself, I'll shoot a video and then when I watch it back,
I'm like, ooh, I could have done this better and I could have said this differently and this and that, so sometimes, I actually will record a video, it doesn't have to, you can use your Zoom screen or Microsoft Teams or whatever's accessible to you. Your phone doesn't matter, but I'll record myself and then watch it back and take notes
and almost go through a rehearsal and go like here's where I can improve so that when I actually do it for real, I'm on point and I know what I wanna say and I feel confident about what I'm saying and I'm not trying to work through all those pieces on camera.
Or cracked in front of a mirror, that can be helpful too.
Yeah, that's a good call. Awesome, well, Lindsay, thank you so much for explaining what an 80% video is. I hope that people out there listening and watching are getting excited and want to implement this in their sales process or on their social media. Before we go, any final thoughts, any closing thoughts that people should be thinking about
as they venture into this 80% world?
I guess just think about how, if you realize you're in a scenario where you're spending way too much time answering questions in an appointment, whether it's in a home or on Zoom or whatever you might be selling or recruiting or any of those things, thinking about how can I solve this problem
and the solution could very well be a video, don't be afraid to bring those ideas to your team. They'll be, honestly, they'll be really excited about the idea of having the opportunity to create a video like this. So don't hesitate to bring these ideas to your team. They'll likely be more than happy to help you out.
Great advice, really great advice. And if people do have follow-up questions or wanna pick your brain a little bit more about this stuff, how can they get in touch with you to follow up?
They're more than happy or more than welcome to reach out to me on Impact Plus or my email, ellottin at or shoot me a message on LinkedIn. I try to get back to people as fast as I can. But yeah, any way you want to contact me, I'm happy to help talk about 80% videos.
Lindsey, great to see you.
Thanks for being on the show. You are welcome any time.
Thanks for having me, guys.
It was a pleasure. You got it.
And for everyone out there watching and listening, this is Endless Customers. I'm Alex Winter, we'll see you on the next episode. I'm Alex Winter, we'll see you on the next episode.
Alex 0:33:19
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About this Episode
Every day, your average salesperson meets with prospect after prospect. From one meeting to the next, they’re getting asked many of the same questions time and time again.
What is your return policy?
Who runs the inspection?
How do I know when my application has been filed?
What types of payment do you accept?
And so on and so forth.
It’s time to give salespeople the not-so-secret weapon they’ve been hoping for: The 80% video.
In simple terms, the 80% video serves as a pre-emptive answer to the majority of the repetitive questions your salespeople hear every day. When a prospect gets an 80% video ahead of a meeting, says Lindsey Auten, they’re going to go into the meeting with all of those surface-level questions already out of the way.
As a result, the meeting can be tailored to that buyer’s particular needs — not general overview-type information.
According to Lindsey, you can make a compelling 80% video with very basic equipment like a webcam and microphone. You want production quality to be high enough that it doesn’t distract the viewer, but these videos are about education, not a cinematic experience.
The effect of a well-deployed 80% video can be staggering. For example, Lindsey mentions Florida-based RoofCrafters, who made these videos a core part of their sales process. As a result, they more than doubled their close rates.
Connect with Lindsey
Lindsey Auten is a content and video trainer at IMPACT with a background in broadcast journalism.
Learn more about Lindsey from her IMPACT bio
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